Friday, February 8, 2013

Kickstarter Cat Book And Such
The Cat Scratchin' book project is rolling right along. Today we are 94% funded with 5 days to go. If you have a great rescued cat story and photos of said cat I'd love to draw them with Ampersand Art Scratchbord and include them in the book. There are many different pledge levels and 'rewards' for the pledge. Click on the link above to check it out. I'm creating this book to use to raise some funds for rescue groups, for me to become a better artist, and to give some recognition to the 'ordinary' cats and their folks with stories need to be told. Please join me. The above cats are, Trixie, who really isn't my cat, but she lives outside and comes for food and, Opal Mae, who has PTSD from watching her siblings snatched away by an owl in the barn she was born in. She's around 10 years old and has never gotten over it. This morning she was hissing, spitting and growling at her own reflection in the mirror and sliding glass door. No amount of loving or encouraging words can change her neurotic behavior. Oh well, she's pretty dear anyway. Trixie is dear too, but because of Opal, must stay outside. So, I'm going to try and find her a safe home. Wish me luck, she's about half feral, so getting her in a crate should be an adventure.( I'm going to put hashtags, don't know if they mean anything or link to anything here) #cats #kickstartercatscratchin

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